AMA Summer Conference Aug-2021.

This is a presentation for the American Marketing Association Summer Conference 2021. I am presenting my conference paper entitled, “Consequences of Unethical Firm Behavior: How do consumers evaluate local brands and global brands when they behave unethically?”

AIB Summer Conference - July 2021

This is a presentation for the Academy of International Business Summer Conference 2021. I am presenting my conference paper titled, “Morality of Globalization.”


AMA - Detroit Market Research Event - May 2021

Here I am presenting to the AMA Detroit chapter on international marketing. I led a one hour talk on my area of research in their first-ever hybrid event.

Academy of International Business Summer Conference - June 2020

Here I am presenting my conference paper at the AIB Summer Conference. Along with my co-authors, I researched the impact of Chinese product origin on consumer attitudes towards brands.